The Sun that Never Sets

The Loss of Night

I’ve discussed how Night could have once existed, and how it could once again come. However, we know that it does not seem to come at all these days, so how does this process start and Stop?

Here is where we have to be willing to step out of scientific thought a little bit, but as I postulated before even the Magic that exists in Magic Duel has to work through known channels. The easiest way to explain this is if we assume the Dark Companion is a Black Hole, or something of a similar Nature. Keep in mind that a Black hole only captures everything within its Event Horizon, outside of that point it acts like any other Body of mass. It is also possible to have a Black hole of any mass, it simply requires compacting that mass into a Suitable small Space (I suggest you research around the Internet to confirm this).

I postulate that the Balance present in Magic Duel can affect the Size of the Sun. As the world shifts towards the Balance of Good and Light, the Sun becomes larger. This even makes a bit of sense scientifically thanks to E=mc^2, Einstein’s revelation that Matter is a form of Energy. Thus it is conceivable that with the help of magic, the Balance being shifted towards the Light actually strengthens the sun and makes it Larger.

Now with the Dark Star Orbiting near the Sun, if the Sun were to suddenly get Larger than the Gas on its outer edges will feel the pull of Gravity from the Dark Companion. If not held to the Sun tightly enough this gas can be pulled into the Dark Companion. As this gas is pulled into the Dark Companion it gains energy as it falls, and as the gas particles hit other gas particles they will Release that extra energy as Light. Thus if the Dark Companion is pulling in Gas it could appear to have “Ignited” as though it were a Sun. This process works best if the Dark Companion were a Black Hole, as the Gas would have a sizeable distance to fall, and have a lot of Gravity to give it Energy, but it would work with other Objects as well.

1 Comment on “The Sun that Never Sets

  1. A Perception of Relativity.

    I have looked into this and as far as I can tell it is a matter of perception. The sun appears to move little or not at all on account of that our axial rotation nearly matches our circumfrencial rotation. This gives the appearance that it is moving little or not at all. Image if I was to strafingly run around you. I would always be facing you making it appear that neither of us have really moved at all or at least not very much.

    The moons fair presence is equally explainable in this fashion. If a center object is causing a nearby object spin around the central object than the affected object will move the same speed, but over a longer distance there by making it appear to move slower. Take for instance a whirlpool. The inside and outside move nearly the same speed. The inside though is moving in such a small area that it makes a full circle in what appears to be less time. This of coarse differs based on what the object is. A tire, being a solid object is going to force the outer edge to match the rotation there-by increasing its speed. Versus the whirlpool whose inside speed and outside speed are more closely matched because that what ties them together is more flexable in its own nature.

    So in all. We rotate the sun in a manner that we are always facing it, while the moon moving only slightly slower than us appears to have gone away, but is simply on our darkside slowly making its way back around to us in time.

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