Festival of War and Remembrance

War 2: Guerrilla Golemicarum and MR Fraternity versus Greater Loreroot

The second war that came to be in the lands of MagicDuel was the war between the alliances of Golemus Guerilla and the MR Fraternity against all the alliances and guilds of Loreroot.

The Golemus Guerilla was led by Yrthilian, still in charge after Wodin had left. Greater Loreroot had multiple leaders and the council leading the different guilds and alliances. But there was one person who would turn out to be the crux of the war.

The situation, reasons, and causes leading up to the war were obscure and hidden for many.

The first reason was well known.

As was written in the AL: [2009-04-04 00:53:56 – Alpha 8]
Public elections for Loreroot leadership!
.Raven. demands the Loreroot crown and wants to become Archon of Loreroot, leader of all Loreroot people, King of the land. As part of his election process, I am requesting a public reaction to this, especially from people with roles related to Loreroot. Please PM .Muratus del Mur. your opinions on this: PM subject should be in the form: (.Raven. – Loreroot King – YES/NO). Your detailed answers will matter a lot for this election and I will decide myself who of you has a stronger word to say about this. A forum reaction is also welcome. He needs to gather a majority of votes in his favor and no serious reasons against. Uncertainty in your answers will count as a negative vote. Info based on rumors you heard but never saw yourself will not be taken into consideration, and all voters will be responsible of their affirmations. Opinions and votes won’t be made public!
Good luck.

Raven made a bid as ruler of all of Loreroot. The Archon of Loreroot would have had great powers over the citizens of Loreroot. This struck a chord with some people. This was because the situation in Loreroot was that of internal turmoil. Before the war, there had been incidents, and during the war it remained that way. This was partially because arguments went outside the realm and people of all sides would engage each other at all possible times. The bonds of friendship, like glue that kept Loreroot intact, were slowly dissolving. Friends turned on each other, throwing insults to and fro, trying to deceive and manipulate those who stood in the way.

The second reason was the situation surrounding MRD. The situation is not known to many, and that is partially because it relates to personal matters. From the views of many, I have distilled an observation that perhaps may not seem neutral at first, but it does hold the truth. Arguments and heated discussions between members of Loreroot and Golemus had cascaded into a full-blown vendetta. When moods turned ugly, MRD was jailed and that was the last straw for Yrthilian, he could not stand seeing a citizen of Golemus being treated in this way.

On the 9th April, Year 4, Yrthilian officially declared war on Greater Loreroot. The leader of the GG alliance ordered the other members to gather for orders, and the MR Fraternity naturally joined in the war, as it was their leader, MRD, who had been jailed.

Yrthilian’s reasoning for the war was simple. The jailing incident was but a symptom of a fractured Loreroot. While Lorerootian affairs were none of his business, he could not let it stand that a citizen of Golemus would be treated in such a way. He believed that Raven was a weak leader, unfit to rule a land that had offended a fellow and valued Golemus citizen. If Raven could not keep Lorerootians from breaking the peace between GG and Loreroot, then he would preemptively break it to ensure a better leader than Raven. The intent was to maintain a more stable Loreroot that would not be so quick in attacking Golemus citizens.

The declaration of war had sent shock waves through the entire realm. Lorerootian citizens had felt especially offended. They believed that Yrthilian was in the wrong for declaring war over a few bad apples. It had galvanized the Lorerootians, and they were quick to show that their front was united.  But while this may have stopped the bonds of friendship from breaking, it did nothing to repair them.

After Yrthilian had declared war on Loreroot, the atmosphere within the land had seemed dismal and dreary. It was as if all the trees of Loreroot cast an even darker shadow. The situation worsened, even though most Lorerootians had set aside their differences to meet a common enemy. It had worsened because of low morale. The amount of Lorerootians who believed in victory were few. The main cause of this was because both the GG alliance and MR Fraternity were famous for their immensely strong fighters.  Their strength came from both their study of rituals and sheer brute power.

But from the dark forests of Loreroot, an old and fondly remembered figure appeared and his appearance was like a beacon of hope to many. He was a warrior of great power, and while a bit rusty, he still had experience, a clear mind and sagely advice. It was the battle-scarred Knator Commander.

The war however, was lost before it began for Loreroot. And defeat came from the few Lorerootians who did not stop arguing in the face of a common enemy.

During a conference deep in Loreroot, where the council and citizens convened, the Knator Commander made an appearance, intent on inspiring the others to victory. The Knator Commander was old and he knew many secrets and hidden weapons that could help Loreroot.

As it was written in the AL: Page 121 [2008-07-11 19:09:41 – The Shade Balance – Wod. Kn.]
It was the Knator Commander himself who had founded the alliance to fight against the shades of Necrovion before the first war. Surely this legendary hero would succeed in making Loreroot victorious again.

But during the conference, Logan Marquis had stepped forward, as well. He was a citizen of merit, but none said he did not manipulate and argue with others. Logan Marquis had spoken about the Knator Commander in front of everyone. Logan Marquis stated that he was not needed, that he was old, useless, and that Loreroot, as it was, could handle the war. He argued that the Knator Commander had been gone for so long that he was no longer reliable. He denounced the Knator Commander.

The Knator Commander was deeply offended and realized that the old Loreroot he loved was very far away. Perhaps disillusioned, the Knator Commander retired his old heart, no longer able to help defend the Loreroot that had scorned him. This incident sent shock waves through the rest of MD, as well. Many neutral players and leaders of other alliances spoke of a scandal, realizing that there was something wrong in Loreroot.

The situation kept deteriorating because Loreroot did not only lose the help of the Knator Commander, they also lost control over the alliance of the Savelite Church. Grido had taken it through intricate espionage missions and knowledge of obscure rituals. Grido’s intent was to make sure that the Church would once again regain its former glory, from before Savelfuser had left. Grido, with the help of Zleiphneir, promised to give the alliance back after they had made sure that only the people capable of the task ahead would control the Church.

Raven, feeling the pressure from within, after already having met with disaster after disaster, even before any sort of battle had taken place, stepped down and resigned. Yrthilian was pleased and soon a ceasefire was agreed upon.

Peace had returned to the lands of MD, but many scars were left, as the fights were more personal than political. The war itself could not have been in more contrast to the first war. There were no real battles, most of the fighting was done on the forum. The war itself was quick and brutal; politics and ideology, so very important in the first war, were secondary to personal grudges and vendettas in the second war.

Guerilla Golemicarum and MR Fraternity were the victors and Greater Loreroot had lost in more ways than one. Loreroot, however, would later climb their way back, while other problems were stirring on the horizon for Golemus Golemicarum.

But peace had once again come to the lands of MD as the second war ended.

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