Festival of War and Remembrance

MD is well over 5 years old.

When the realm of MagicDuel had dawned, it was much like a void.

It was like a void because, at first, it was empty and there was nothing to give it meaning, nothing to help it retain major events as treasured memories. The world of MagicDuel was akin to a newly born infant. It was empty and it was small, but it was also growing and it was peaceful.

But as with every child that grows up, things must change.

Beginning in year 3, day 90, a creature appeared that seemed as a novelty at first. But with the appearance of the Knator Commander in the realm, the Era of the Role Playing Character (RPC) had begun. In year 3, day 121, the very first Adventure Log had been posted: a hero is wanted. BigC would be that hero.

These two separate elements may have seemed insignificant at first, but when these elements combined, something magical happened. In the void that preceded these two events, players were incapable of influencing the realm from within, forced to abide by the creator’s will. BigC’s emergence as a hero, however, now signified the moment where players had grown to obtain powers, powers strong enough to affect change. And soon, other players would emerge and prove their worth. The change they would bring would be like nothing the realm had ever seen before.

For these players had feelings and these feelings were different from the creator’s, and from the realm. These feelings turned into thoughts, arguments, and desires. These, in turn, affected their choices. From their choices came their actions and their actions cascaded into each other and created something that the realm had never seen before.

As with any child that grows older, conflicts appear and innocence is lost.

War had clawed its way into the realm and ripped across the lands.

The first version of the Festival of War and Remembrance held all the wars, four in total, that had occurred in MD up to the moment of the Festival, or 22nd of June, Year 5. As well as all the legends as selected by Metal Bunny.

The purpose of the Festival is to educate, commemorate, and honor. It is not about glorifying or inciting and provoking war.

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