Everyone Can Draw


Hands and feet are often the bane of people’s lives when trying to draw. They are just so fiddle. However, as I mentioned, this need not be the case. In essence you can completely ignore the complexity of such things in cartoons. In the following examples you can see some different positioning of the feet. In addition to this you can also see a variety of ways of drawing hands, here I am trying to show you that you can have elaborate hands like the large ones, but that in fact you don’t need to, there are lots of easier ways to go about it which work just as well. At the end of the day unless the hands or/and the feet are performing a particular function in the picture, one which really matters to the over-all impression you want to give, they are of little consequence.

2 Comments on “Everyone Can Draw

  1. Very good article…

    I can say I’m not very good at drawing, but your article gives good tips and examples to anyone who wants to start drawing but doesn’t know how to start it…


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