Bob the Tree Returns to His Old Self

Phoenix Tears

Too much energy used on him already. If that didn’t work, there might be some other things we should think about. It’s not a simple thing; all this magic use may hurt him more. Bob might have some kind of curse on him. His loneliness may be his curse. What about planting some seeds near him?

It is not his loneliness. Ledah damaged him, Ledah damaged him and so did Virtuous Pride and… and I was asleep.

Blackwood Forest
Bob grew well here. It was and will be the Path of Loneliness. You don’t have to be ashamed Z; you were exhausted from your duty.

You cannot be here 24/7, Zleiphneir. You are not an omnipotent God.

I wish I was.

In the future, I will help as I can. I’ll try more than now.

*Mya Celestia*
Shall I try the tears?

Yes, Mya, you lead.

*Mya Celestia*
Phoenix tears have healing properties.

Will it work on Tree though, Mya?

Best cure is time itself.

Anatoli, it may not be the cures that do it, but the number of friends trying to help.

*Mya Celestia*
I don’t know. I’ve never tried them on a tree. A tree’s blood runs slower than ours.

Blackwood Forest spotted Dst in the crowd and grabbed her.

Blackwood Forest
Quick! Go on, Mya!

*Mya Celestia* walked over to Bob and knelt before him.

Has any one thought of a way to protect Bob 24/7?

Yes, sure: destroy it. This way he will live forever in your hearts.

*Mya Celestia*
Everybody that considers themselves a friend of Bob take hands.

All Bob’s helpers and friends began to hold hands as Dst tried to trip them up and break their hold. Nonetheless, Mya began opening her bottle of Phoenix tears and Dst tried to push her over, but Zleiphneir got between the two so Mya could concentrate. Suddenly, her wings spread open and started glowing.

*Mya Celestia*
Concentrate on Bob.

The willing crowd obeyed and Mya carefully poured a few drops from the bottle onto the tree then around the roots. She drew the energy from the others then shifted it to Bob
:[Spell] The Love of all to heal all
She took a deep breath as the glow faded, corking the tiny bottle again and standing once more to lay a hand on Bob.

I hate the tree.

I love you, Bob.

*Mya Celestia*
(softly) I’m not sure if it worked.

~Beloved Tree. The one we call Bob. Won’t you allow yourself to be healed?~

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