

Marigold had never spoken to a stranger before; she had never needed to, coming from a town where everyone knew each other. She thought about something like, “Excuse me, sir, my name is Marigold and I’d like to leave your house now, please.” As Marigold was pondering if that would be a good thing to say, the man suddenly reached out and grabbed her by the shoulders. Marigold screamed and abruptly fainted.

When she came to, Marigold found herself still lying on the floor but tucked up in one of the shabby blankets she had seen lying in the bedroom. Marigold laid very still, as she was not sure at all of what she should do next. After a while, Marigold decided to get up; she couldn’t lie there forever. When Marigold stood up, she felt a tap on her shoulder and she jumped out of fear and surprise. She turned and discovered the old man standing right in front of her. Marigold was too scared to move.

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