Look Before You Leap

Braiton spoke first.”That… that thing is an elemental! But… how? Who could’ve distorted it like my drachorns?” Everybody gasped and analyzed the facts. It was indeed an elemental, transformed somehow.
“Who has done this blasphemy?” asked the Game Master. A minute passed, and the only thing heard was the clash of mutant and creatures. All looked around to see if anyone would own up. Then a woman seated at the corner stammered, “S-sir, I-I am th-th-the culprit.”
”What was that?” asked Mur.
“S-sir, I-I-I said it-it w-was me.” muttered the woman with a voice that seemed to have gone out like a candle. All eyes were set upon her, and no one knew whether to be angry, upset, worried, pitying, or all this at the same time. The attention led her to shrink in her chair as Mur rushed to face her. “Why did you do it? HOW did you do it? Do you know what you’ve done?”
The woman shrank even more, and hardly managed, “I-I was breeding… I was breeding my e-elemental, sir.”
“How could breeding an elemental cause this catastrophe? Explain yourself!”
“I… I d-dipped it in this concoction I made… and… it got out of hand. I couldn’t help it, sir! I-I left it in it for too long, and it… started to look and act o-odd. So I threw it out into Angien’s Ferry. It must have drifted to Raven’s Peace. I don’t know… I don’t know…”
The scene was frozen that way for several moments until Mur broke the silence with a heavy sigh and a furrowed brow. “I, as of yet, do not know how to deal with you. The only thing I hate more than a crime committed is ignorance to it being a crime. I might have no choice but to ban you, Helena Wasp.”
The woman screamed, “No! Sir, please, don’t! I beg of you, don’t ban me. I-I can help!” She pulled a vial of liquid out of her coat pocket.
“I made this formula, toxic to any who touch it!” But before Mur could even reply, she had run towards the behemoth that was hers, and probably, her doom.

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