Light and Dark

A Cry of Anger

Now at first, nothing happened. The woman watched as her body began to die. Just as her eyes began to flutter, she saw movement. The Shadow began to form back into its shape; the torn and tattered Cloak molded and shaped itself back around him. Opened his eyes, he saw the woman of Light, the one he chased so eagerly, staring down at him with eyes as black as his own. Realizing her eyes shone with darkness instead of light he pushed her away with what little energy he had and she collapsed at his side. “What the…,” his voice trailed off as he tried to piece together what had happened. Phantasm knew that no child of Light should ever be burdened with dark eyes only caused more confusion. “What in the name of Mur …,” he whispered as he looked at the now still body of the woman. Summoning what little strength he had in him he crawled over to her body and asked, “What have you done woman?” “Saving your…”cough “Dark hide…” she said as her eyes blinked once and then remained open with the darkness taking over.

Phantasm had never felt such pain; never had something tug at his heart string as he gazed down upon the one he called woman, His Woman. Realizing how much he cared for the woman he gathered her into his arms and roared, “I am the Darkness. You are the Light. You can not be as me!” Even in a time like this, the Light made a sarcastic comment and said, “I know…and don‘t call me woman…” Her voice trailed off, coughing up a laugh, as she slipped further into the darkness. Knowing he had a hand in causing His woman of Light to be snuffed out enraged the Shadow to his full power. Grabbing up the woman in his arms, they both begin to levitate off the ground. Screaming at the own voices inside his head, “Legion you have done this to her!”

1 Comment on “Light and Dark

  1. On this I must be unbiased as I am of the Light. The editing and punctuation could have been improved on. However, I am sucker for a love story. Even this one.

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