Principle of Balance

The principle of balance does not refer only to good and evil. It generally stands for all things opposite and applies both to individual situations and other inferior Principles. Balance can NOT be broken, but it can be bent to one side or another, thus modifying the entire nature of the situation or the objects involved. For example, water puts out fire and fire evaporates water; this balance is never broken, but it can be altered, by giving more influence to one of the sides. The balance should be fully understood in order for one to be aware one is controlling it. Each situation, object or action is formed by parts, has an opposite. Most things are not pure by birth, thus they don’t have a well-shaped opposite. But the criteria, the things are built upon, do have well-known opposites. The first step consists of understanding the criteria in order to find their opposites. It is difficult to use the Balance in one’s favor, and it usually it becomes an art of chance and presumption. The most helpful thing that could be obtained through understanding the opposite is to fully understand the initial criteria. An opposite reveals a lot about the original’s nature and ways of how to protect or destroy it.

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