A Celestial Love Story

For several days the man would hide his sorrow at night, so his love would not see the what he was feeling, and during the day the man was a wreck. He would only eat at night, when he could feel his love’s radiance, because this was the only time he truly felt alive. The sun couldn’t help but watch the man as he grew more and more frail, and his sorrow never passed.

Everyday she would see him at his worse, and she knew he hid his sorrow from the moon, and knew he tried to put on a happy face for his love. eventually, like all mortals, the man passed on, only ever-loving the moon, and the moon seemed to shine for him even in his passing. The sun felt so sad for what she had done, she turned her back on the world and cried for a whole day, and her tears clung to the heavens as the stars…

…The world moved on, as is the nature of things, and the mans story passed into the legends, but every now and then the sun turns her back and looks out as a reminder of the love the man gave so that the whole world could know the beauty, and joy of a moon.

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