The Moon and Necrovion

The Greeks believed the soul of a person was opposite their own gender. So a woman’s soul was Animus, the male spirit that thinks in straight lines, grasps the heart of a problem, is logical, speaks directly.

And the soul of the man is Anima, who thinks in circles, feels, trusts her instincts, is illogical, speaks indirectly.

Each, Animus and Anima, would be repressed by the person – we would act the opposite. For Jung this was the source of psychopathology. The cure was to embrace the inner transgendered soul. Embrace the way of being that you have suppressed.

This was, of course, not a literal transgender, only a symbolic way of understanding that there are polar ways of acting and that the healthiest ground is away from the poles.

Look at Tarquinus – his avatar. A man and woman walking side by side, arm in arm. This is the ideal of mental health – the Animus and the Anima in lockstep, knowing one another intimately.

Still, Diana becomes a central figure in my personal mythology. My own journey has been about embracing the Dark to empower the light. To see what is beneath in order to fully understand what is above.

Necrovion is such a place, where the subconscious is thrown into the dim light of the Moon. Its purpose is not cure but torture – but sometimes torture is a cure. I speak of suffering with meaning. To suffer with meaning becomes a goal.

To live a happy life with no meaning – devoid of purpose or clarity – would be seen as the greatest torture for the spirit. To live a life of suffering in which the pain had a purpose, however, would be the ultimate gift.

There is what is beneath the Moon in Necrovion.

What is beneath the Moon here, in other places? Loreroot, for example: a forest by day, its purpose obvious. It serves to frustrate the weak and empower the strong or wise.

At night, however, we see what we cannot see. It becomes a metaphor: for rampant growth; for the sexuality and animalism within us; for the forces that drive us to grow and live and strive.

Opposite Necrovion? Yes, but also the same. Loreroot is the Life that makes Necrovion’s Death possible and needful. And Necrovion is the Death that makes Loreroot’s life meaningful.

Under the Moon, these things are true.

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