The Sun that Never Sets

The Moon and the Dark Side

The only thing I can say for Absolute certainty about the Moon is that it is no Longer visible. What follows is a Theory that I developed along with a group of Moon Worshipers who were most keen to have a Working theory on what has Happened to the Moon.

Through their own Investigations they have discovered that the Moon is still attached to our World, but it is stuck in the same Position, much like the Sun in our Sky. This time Tidal Locking does not explain the Phenomenon, but the Idea of Lagrangian Points does.

Lagrangian Points are points in Space near a Body where the pull of Gravity from that Body and the Sun are Canceled. Thus at these points Objects can Exist in Stable orbits even though they are not technically orbiting either the body in question or the Sun. There are five such points around a Planet, one is just in front of the planets Orbital motion, another just behind, one exists between the Sun and the planet, one is directly opposite the planet on the Other side of it’s orbital path (behind the Sun), and the last is directly behind the planet (again in line with the sun).

These Moon Worshipers have convinced me through their own studies that the Moon has been trapped, as it were, at this last Legrangian point. Thus we never see it because it is stuck on the Opposite side of the World.

This creates an oddly balances system, for if you recall the side of the planet that can view the Moon, cannot view the Sun. Thus while we are bathed in constant Sunlight, they are bathed in constant Moonlight. To them the Moon is always Full, and could even be seen as a Sun, it could even have a small motion to it like the Sun we see.

What caused the Moon to be trapped there is a Mystery, as is any potential it may or may not have in Returning to its orbit around the MD world. This is likely another Phenomenon strongly linked to Magic. It is also a Subject I will leave to the Moon Worshipers, as it is clearly their Area of expertise.

1 Comment on “The Sun that Never Sets

  1. A Perception of Relativity.

    I have looked into this and as far as I can tell it is a matter of perception. The sun appears to move little or not at all on account of that our axial rotation nearly matches our circumfrencial rotation. This gives the appearance that it is moving little or not at all. Image if I was to strafingly run around you. I would always be facing you making it appear that neither of us have really moved at all or at least not very much.

    The moons fair presence is equally explainable in this fashion. If a center object is causing a nearby object spin around the central object than the affected object will move the same speed, but over a longer distance there by making it appear to move slower. Take for instance a whirlpool. The inside and outside move nearly the same speed. The inside though is moving in such a small area that it makes a full circle in what appears to be less time. This of coarse differs based on what the object is. A tire, being a solid object is going to force the outer edge to match the rotation there-by increasing its speed. Versus the whirlpool whose inside speed and outside speed are more closely matched because that what ties them together is more flexable in its own nature.

    So in all. We rotate the sun in a manner that we are always facing it, while the moon moving only slightly slower than us appears to have gone away, but is simply on our darkside slowly making its way back around to us in time.

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