SmartAlekRJ’s Lost Dragon

Page 19 [2008-05-13 02:08:28 – SmartAlekRJ’s Lost Dragon]
Like a swarm of psychotic maniacs, hundreds, maybe thousands, of tiny people run toward one of the captive dragons, screaming so unnaturally loud that SmartAlekRJ has to put his hands against his ears. They start to tear the poor dragon apart, cutting and biting pieces of him as the poor beast screams his pain in the large cave. 
Page 20 [2008-05-13 05:29:39 – SmartAlekRJ’s Lost Dragon]
As the massacre continues, SmartAlekrj looks terrified at the horrible show. Several hours pass until the tiny people completely disintegrate the massive beast. As if nothing happened moments ago, they resume their daily routines. A small group comes to clean the remaining bones that form a huge skeleton where, not long ago, a mighty dragon stood. 
Page 21 [2008-05-13 17:11:05 – SmartAlekRJ’s Lost Dragon]
“ooookkay…I was expecting anything else but this… There is definitely something wrong about this whole scene..” He starts walking away from the place, planning to head toward the cave exit and run away as fast as possible. As he steps carefully, trying to go unobserved, a strange constant sound comes from behind him. He carefully turns his head and sees a vast crowd of tiny people looking at him and singing or saying something. 
Page 22 [2008-05-14 21:14:45 – SmartAlekRJ’s Lost Dragon]
It seems that they have noticed he wants to leave and they are planning to stop him. At the sight of the angry mob and thinking of the poor devoured dragon, SmartAlekRJ shows a stupid smile and heads back to the library. The crowd dissipates, but some still keep an eye on him. “I wonder what happened to the ex-‘Bunny Master’,” he thinks. 
Page 23 [2008-05-14 21:14:46 – SmartAlekRJ’s Lost Dragon]
He turns back to the tunnels thinking how his attempt to rule the tiny people turned into a nightmare. He feels like he is in a prison, not bound by chains, but by his fear to confront the weird and unpredictable tiny people. Or, are they not so unpredictable after all? He wished to be their master, but now he is afraid of it. The whole picture is wrong. He has the feeling that he is missing something. Maybe he is not doing the right thing… A daring idea comes into his mind… 
Page 24 [2008-05-15 16:04:08 – SmartAlekRJ’s Lost Dragon]
SmartAlekRJ looks at the library and thinks of all the interesting info he could find there; about Darchorns; the tiny people and their former rulers. “….or were they rulers after all?” He turns back to the great hall planning to speak to them one more time. 
Page 25 [2008-05-18 22:41:57 – SmartAlekRJ’s Lost Dragon]
SmartAlexRJ is preparing to do something very crazy… “Listen to me!  I am your MASTER! I AM THE DRAGON MASTER!!” The crowd reacts as usual with tiny cries, “All Hail the Dragon Master!” Something very obvious that he didn’t think of before.. “I order you to… to take me on your arms and bring me outside this cave!” A long moment of silence….then swarms of tiny people start to walk toward SmartAlekRJ… 
Page 26 [2008-05-22 14:37:34 – SmartAlekRJ’s Lost Dragon]
He looks scared at the crowds as they approach him, but he slowly realizes that they are actually doing what he asked them to do! He is taken on their tiny arms outside the cave. He can actually control them! Countless possibilities flood SmartAlekRJ’s mind as he is carried outside. The thought of running away from the weird tiny people is now strongly countered by the idea of actually being the “Dragon Master.” 
Page 27 [2008-05-20 19:00:27 – SmartAlekRJ’s Lost Dragon – END]
SmartAlekRJ decides to assume his role as a Dragon Master and not to counter the tiny people. After all, they are obeying him as their ruler, and they seem to do whatever he tells them to do. Being a Ruler over these dragon tamers has its advantages of course, but SmartAlekRJ is not yet aware of the possible dangers… 

1 Comment on “SmartAlekRJ’s Lost Dragon

  1. this is awesome to reminisce about… and google smartalekrj and this is the top result now!

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