Muratus Lecture III: Magic in Modern Days
For example, NLP…it’s not magic…you saw it working, you understood it, then you take it out of [the] magic definition.You see my point here?Any of the modern technology would have been considered magic a hundred of years ago.
<Interjection: all concepts are the same.>
Not true.Concepts can’t be the same.”Magic,” as most people understand it, is a tainted concept.
<Question: what is your definition of magic?>
What magic really is can’t be referred to with one word.I say that because inside the word ‘magic’ you find many definitions, [and] some of them are damaging to the entire concept.
<Question: Could you mention some of these definitions, please?>
Think about it… witchcraft, tricks, paranormal… all [of] it’s inside magic.Things that actually hide other less obvious occurrences of magic.It’s like when you know someone is a liar, you won’t believe anything else he is saying even when he is not lying.The problem with this is that not understanding all the aspects of magic, you will never manage to learn it, because to learn magic is actually to better understand things that are already happening in your life and around you.And if you look at these words: “learn magic” …you see something like “I want to learn to do spells.”And it’s wrong.
<Interjection: like I said, magic is just the unknown.>
Not always. I would say magic is an “unknown” with a certain flavour.And to understand its secrets you must first look to the “known” part of magic, but unfortunately that part is hidden and lost under other names in modern days.
Here i’ll share my toughts of “modern days magic”, and I want to clear at first: these toughts aren’t a criticism of the first five page – just pure fresh sight of magic itself.
<Question> – What’s the difference between Traditional and Modern Magic?
<Answer> – The ONLY difference is the way we see it.
For an example: As you could read on page four “magic is just the unknown”, page five says “everything is a form of magic”.
<Question> – If everything is a form of magic, how could it be unknown?
<Answer> – In my opinion magic isn’t unknown, becouse we can tell several forms of it, only the borders of magic are unknown.
<Question> – What makes the borders unknown?
<Answer> – There are two things makes them unknown.
The first thing is hard to understand: that magic itself isn’t the thing we learned to be ‘good’.
For an example: Whenever a child go to school, he/she will learn the ways of our life. Technically that you must be communicative (share your problems and the things you don’t understand with others,and don’t even try to think about it’s true or false on your own…), so to say he/she ‘have to be’ someone whose toughts are accepted by the community. If he/she isn’t became the one we accept (thinking in other ways than normal – i call this “Magical thinking”), then he/she is crazy, psychyc or just childish. There’s only one form that the community accepts as the kind of “Magical thinking”, we named it “belief”.
<Interjection> I could have call it fear. That’s why most of us fear to be alone, and a fev more ugly things we ‘fear’ came from this kind of teaching of the whole community. It’s just sad… Anyways there was huge “thinkers” such as Einstein who was actually tought Magical, and he fought with the community to accept his toughts.
Secondly we are asking the wrong questions or incorrect questions in incorrect sequence about the borders. Usually we ask firstly that: “Where they ends?” But who could answer that question? Would be none.
What if we ask: “If we say the borders are endless, then what makes the difference between all of the magical forms?”. Answer could be: US. The way we see this subject. I very much agree that magic isn’t parts of things we can name (like witchcraft, illusion, trick and so on…). Magic is a whole. Only we want to tare it to small pieces to understand it, becouse we don’t know a better way to understand things we dont know (witchcraft, illusion, trick is one and the same things).