Steal Life Ability

Creatures with steal life ability focus on draining VE of enemy creatures. The main difference between creatures with steal life ability is the type of target that creature possesses. There are two main types of targets for creatures with steal life ability (CWSA): single target and multiple targets.

Single target specifically branches into targeting weak creatures, strong creatures, and random creatures. Multiple targets simply target a random target of 2 to 4 creatures. The important note for CWSA is that their strength (how much percentage of enemy creature’s VE the CWSA steals) comes from power stats.

Depending on the enemy ritual and also depending on ones stats (VE and personal stats), the presence of different types of CWSA may be required or not at all. Because CWSA directly affects VE to great extent, one must take notice of one’s VE and the enemy’s VE. How many times has one’s ritual been overwhelmed by the enemy’s large amount of VE? Many times!

Steal life is a balancer of VE, meaning it mainly favors those with less VE than those that have a copious amount of VE. Against those that have what seems to be unlimited VE spread upon 3 or more creatures within their ritual, using a ritual with CWSA targeting multiple targets has the upper hand for winning or being victorious. Against a single creature ritual with loads of VE, using a ritual with CWSA targeting a single target has the upper hand for winning or being victorious. However there are exceptions to every ritual made. Those that influence such exceptions are the opponent’s stats and their ritual composite.

2 Comments on “Steal Life Ability

  1. “Single target specifically branches into targeting weak creatures, strong creatures, and random creatures.”

    it includes targeting “Dying” creatures as well

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