Steal Life Ability

Widely used with CWSA are creatures that attack and weaken defense or, in very few circumstances, defend. It will prove useless to have a creature that does regeneration or healing when you already have incoming VE every turn. One ideal ritual that players use with CWSA is:

Initial Balancer Ritual

Elemental (steal life multiple)
Grasan (weaken defense all)
Archer (damage all)
Tree (martirism)

Depending also on your personal stats, you may choose to modify this ritual. Possibly discarding the Tree from the ritual? Possibly adding a creature that does steal life single? Possibly adding a few more creatures with damage and/or weaken defense. This judgment all depends on how much one knows one’s opponent’s ritual and skills.

One thing to remember about rituals: not every ritual is fit for every situation. A strong and durable ritual does exist, but an unbeatable ritual does not.

2 Comments on “Steal Life Ability

  1. “Single target specifically branches into targeting weak creatures, strong creatures, and random creatures.”

    it includes targeting “Dying” creatures as well

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