The Inner Sun

Page 66 [2008-11-23 06:54:50 – The Inner Sun – Bo., Tar., Iam.]
The men’s attention is drawn away from their current concern by a clamor coming from elsewhere in the Archives. Bootes peeks out his door to see a figure with a book shouting and singing on his way out. Tarquinus scowls dismissively at the spectacle and turns away. Bootes stops him and points, “Wait… What do you See There?”
Page 67 [2008-11-25 06:21:09 – The Inner Sun – Noo.]
The substance drips off No One’s limbs in long strands which tear at his flesh. No One screams as his body oozes and is stripped to the very bone. He wheels around wildly, continuing to melt. Yet, he cannot run nor can feel or hear anything. He rolls his eyes to the sky, which has turned jet black, to avoid the sight of his naked bones. His screams echo only in his head.
Page 68 [2008-11-26 09:32:11 – The Inner Sun – Ren., Am.]
Renavoid sighs and continues his story, “When I sleep, I dream the same dream, almost everyday. It’s a dreary dream of discomfort. I stand alone in my office, when dark overtakes the land. From the Balcony, I can see beautiful twinkling lights in the sky. But, the darkness does not stop. It creeps closer, drawing near and blinding me.” Amoran listens intently.
Page 69 [2008-11-26 19:53:04 – The Inner Sun – Noo.]
Trapped in his never-ending nightmare, No One looks in desperation at the small puppy. He recoils as it melts, too. The puppy sends out a silent plea from its eyes before they burst. The form dissipates and the ashes of its bones blow away. At this horrific sight, he awakes with a start, covered in sweat, to find himself alone in Necrovion once again.
Page 70 [2008-11-28 12:57:35 – The Inner Sun – Bo., Tar., Iam.]
Bootes and Tarquinus discuss how to obtain the page in I am Bored’s possession. Each man offers several plans, but none seems suitable. The two consider ideas until they agree on a promising one. “I’m Not sure I Like it…”
“Nay, but our course is narrow. We must have it.”Bootes leans back in his chair and sighs, “True… Now To find Someone to do It.”
Page 71 [2008-11-28 12:59:34 – The Inner Sun – Bo., Tar., Iam.]
“The message has been sent to my spymaster. He is quite capable; he will succeed.” Bootes still looks uneasy, but Tarquinus reassures him: “Think of the greater good.” The two men sit in silence before Bootes smiles and says, “It’s Possible Bored Has even forgotten he Has it. There is Another Who wishes to help Us, as well.”
Page 72 [2008-11-28 13:01:19 – The Inner Sun – Bo., Tar., Iam.]
In a darkened corner of the Archives, four shadowy figures discuss their plan in hushed voices. All the important details are laid out, assignments are given, and contingencies are considered for the unforeseen. With a nod of the head, one man sets the plot in motion.
Page 73 [2008-11-30 00:04:51 – The Inner Sun – Bo., Tar., Iam.]
The sounds of battle ring out across the dojo. As I am Bored passes through, a man approaches and speaks with him. Bored’s face lights up, “You want to know about my book?! Awesome!” He begins to rant and becomes completely oblivious to his environment. Another man brushes by Bored; he does not pause to fold the paper, but hurries on his way instead.
Page 74 [2008-12-02 07:23:15 – The Inner Sun – Bo., Tar.]
“Yes, this is It! I believe we Have everything We Need!” Bootes’ beams and even Tarquinus lets a smile appear as the two men are finally able to put all the pieces together.
Tarquinus points to a rough diagram, “I believe this is your next destination.” He claps Bootes’ shoulder, “Your journey seems to be nearing its end.” Bootes begins his preparations to travel once again.
Page 75 [2008-12-02 07:30:25 – The Inner Sun – Ren., Am.]
Renavoid suddenly pauses his story and looks out the doorway to the Balcony. “Hmm…I must attend some other business, Young One. We will continue this soon.” He smiles at her as he stands and walks out onto the Balcony. Slightly confused, Amoran goes about her business waiting for Ren to finish.
Page 76 [2008-12-04 23:43:04 – The Inner Sun – Bo.]
He waves a farewell to his companion and leaves his office. Bootes is excited and nearly runs down the steps leading out of the Archives. There is a spring to his step and he feels cheery. His mind races with the possibilities of what he might discover. With the collected documents in tow, Bootes begins what he feels will be the final leg of his journey.

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