The Inner Sun

Page 11 [2008-10-15 22:34:04 – The Inner Sun – Nel.]
In her study room, Nelya tries to figure out more about the documents she found. Lines over lines that connect into strange symbols and a description about something called the inner sun. Suddenly all seems to connect. The symbols have a meaning only in relation with the other docs. She now realizes that she has to find all of them in order to understand their meaning.
Page 12 [2008-10-15 22:35:30 – The Inner Sun – Bo.]
“Its not the sun!” Agitated, Bootes clears his desk and puts the papers in order one next to the other. “Oh no..its not the sun..”
Page 13 [2008-10-15 22:39:01 – The Inner Sun – Iam.]
Singing to hide his fear of the dark place he is in, Bored walks alongside Noone. They search for something, anything and, if they are lucky, maybe a way to exit that place. The books are unreadable because of the darkness, but some look really big and heavy.
“What’s the point of a library if it’s in such darkness?” Bored asks.
“Shut up! You are annoying me!” No one replies.
Page 14 [2008-10-18 00:32:17 – The Inner Sun – Iam. Noo.]
The corridors become narrower and huge spider webs block the way. Terrified by the idea of remaining in that dark place, ‘No one’ and ‘I am Bored’ continue to walk. Books all over the place… broken shelves. The place looks deserted, a huge library forgotten by time.
Page 15 [2008-10-18 00:38:56 – The Inner Sun – Iam. Noo.]
After a long time, when their hope was at its end, the dark corridor finally ends. A small wooden door takes them in a big hall. A dark clouded sky can be seen through the broken windows of the hall.
Page 16 [2008-10-18 00:42:50 – The Inner Sun – Iam. Noo.]
“We are finally out!!” I am bored jumps around happy while No one stares at the dark sky. “Whats wrong?”
“Nothing, just that this is the closest thing I ever seen to what’s called NIGHT.”
“Nah, it’s just a dark sky. We exited into Necrovion it seems.”
Noone looks at I am bored, “How can we be in Necro you dumbass? Last time I remember we were trapped in the Archives. That’s FAR away!”
Page 17 [2008-10-18 06:09:06 – The Inner Sun – Iam. Noo.]
“Ummmm… I think a storm is coming… lets go back inside.” Bored suggests.
“No, its not a storm. We are indeed in Necrovion. Those are…” Jumping around trying to stay on one leg, Bored interrupts Noone.
“Lets go count the books! Should be fun in total darkness!” Amazed by Bored’s total ignorance, Noone walks away adventuring into Necrovion while Bored returns to the dark corridors. None of them knows exactly where they are going or what they are searching for in this deserted place.
Page 18 [2008-10-23 07:40:00 – The Inner Sun – Iam.]
I am bored’s impatience with the dark and stillness grows more with each passing breath. “I might leave this place if whoever is holding me here comes and speaks with me and explains what I am doing here!” Bored screams into the darkness and hurls a book which lands nowhere in particular. Imb’s screams echo through the dark corridors as he slumps in a dark, forgotten corner, waiting for a reply.
Page 19 [2008-10-24 00:22:49 – The Inner Sun – Iam.]
I am bored’s anxiety grows, but still the quiet darkness does not relent. Making matters worse, gloom is now joined by a biting chill. “I’ll start a fire while I wait.” Imb produces a small tinderbox from his pocket and quickly rubs the flint together. Sparks leap onto some dry pages but quickly fade as if the darkness is just too great to allow the fire to penetrate it.
Page 20 [2008-10-24 23:04:03 – The Inner Sun – Iam.]
From the light of the fire he can see the enormous amount of books in around him. He takes one of them and, after looking briefly over it, he puts it on the fire to keep it burning. “A good time for a break. Lets see what we have here…” Bored pulls out a big dusty book “Rare creatures… hmm, that sounds interesting.” The pages are decorated with gold foil and beautiful artworks. “Rustgold Drachorn…. whoaaa this one looks nice!” he flips through the pages while the fire continues to burn and cast strange shades all over the place.

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